ESL Slang Teaching Opportunities
I love when teaching opportunities present themselves during my ESL tutoring sessions; especially when the opportunity allows me to teach something that goes beyond regular grammar.
When teaching Past Tense pronunciation for regular verbs to ESL students, I often use a worksheet from Azar's Understanding and Using English Grammar. In a list of Past Tense verbs, they have the word "loaded." Of course, in this context, "loaded" is the past tense of the verb "load."
I always ask students if they know what this word means. Every single student I've asked tells me the correct definition of the verb "to load." I then ask if they know of any definitions for the word as an adjective not related to "to load." No one ever knows. Do you?
nice blog! i've just added you to my blogrool @
hope you'll drop by and visit! :P
"he's loaded" = "he's drunk" :)
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